As a business...

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Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:42 pm
Location: Georgia

As a business...

Post by GAOM »

As a Business... Specialized Balsa Wood is probably the best balsa supplier out there... Your options with balsa are limitless and expand much further than I ever could have fathomed until really venturing upon the odds and ends of the online store and entire site... Its amazing to know the different services and cuts of balsa available... This is a huge benefit to anyone looking to do specialty work of anykind, and all work with balsa is specialty work in reality...

Take a look at the available things such as puzzles from balsa that will blow you away... Talk about a great gift idea for an OM coach?! I know I'll be ordering one soon enough...

Pricing is about right, shipping is crazy fast, and orders are 100% perfect everytime.

A+ :mrgreen: Thumbs way up.. Best customer service and support in the business...
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